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Legato Exhibition 

Cassino- Italy

The "Legato Exhibition" is an established part of the annual WW2 Battle of Cassino commemorations, held in May each year since 2010, in Cassino, Italy, with the central themes of "Peace and Remembrance".


"Margherita's work "Puzzled" earned its place at the main entry to the Exhibition because it challenges, intrigues, tells a story but also lets the viewer imagine what isn't there.


Her watercolour work "Ritirata" was also a favourite, particularly with Italians who had family members in Russia. When standing in front of that work I felt my body temperature drop, on more than one occasion.


With both of these works, less really is more."

Kay De Lautour Scott (Curator)  

Cassino 15-19 May 2010

"Ritirata"  watercolour  (2010)

"Ombre in fuga" watercolour (2013)

(Shadows on the run)

"Legato" Exhibition - Main Entrance - Cassino 2010

"Puzzled" Acrylic on canvas (2010)

"Concentramento della follia" watercolour (2014)

"I didn't forget" watercolour (2014)

(Non ti ho dimenticato)

© 2016 by Margherita Giampietri

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